Universe is not judging you, it is just responding back to you. You are receiving whatever you are sending to the Universe. It’s the echo of your thoughts.
During one of my personal coaching sessions with someone, the gentleman shared a very beautiful experience about how everything in life responds back to us. There was a stray dog outside his friend’s house and he always used to bark at his friend badly. His friend also hated that stray dog. Surprising thing was, that stray dog did not bark at others. That dog treated new people also with peace and calmness. However, daily it would bark only at his friend. One day another friend came to his house for the first time and the dog did not bark at the new friend too. In fact dog came, touched his shoes and went away. The host was very surprised and asked his visitor that why the dog barks at him always. His friend asked him, how do you feel about this dog and he said that of course it barks at me and I don’t like him to sit near by my house, so I hate his presence here. His new friend explained to him that, this is what you are giving to dog and it is responding back to you in same manner. If you want this dog to stop barking at you, you have to start liking him. First he did not believe but he knew that his friend is a wise one and decided to do as his friend said. It took him 5 days to change his feelings about dog. Eventually he developed compassion for the dog and the day he developed compassion and gave biscuits to dog out love rather than fear, the dog stopped barking at him. In fact after few days, the dog changed its place.
Whatever you are thinking, your energy is changing as per that. Your energy is the centre point and it starts creating similar ripples around you in the Universe. It starts sending same signal to everything around and same energy is invoked in everything around you. Whatever you are invoking, you are receiving back. It’s just the echo of your energy which is created by your thoughts. So if we want the response to change we need to change the signal we are sending.
Here are the few thought processes which help in creating a positive vibration:
There could be 1000 things which could be written here. However, the main thing is fill up yourself with love, keep your focus on love, always feel what more you can give and you will receive all the love and abundance. Be the love your heart desires, fill up this Universe with love and happiness and it will fill up your life with love and happiness.