About Us

Welcome to Bountiful Universe !
We at Bountiful Universe welcome each one of you wholeheartedly in here. If you are reading this, you were meant for this. The law has got you here, you are guided onto this path to discover this beautiful science of ‘Law of Attraction’ to fulfill your heart desires.
At Bountiful Universe, we ensure to guide you through simple techniques and easy to do activities helping you achieve all the joy and happiness of this beautiful life. After a thorough research of 20 years and 100s of success stories, we are here to make your life easy, happy and filled with abundance & prosperity.
Each of the guided meditation posted on our website is through a series of research and observed through our proven success stories during our research period. It gives us immense happiness now to share with you all.
Law of attraction is a proven science which states ‘Like attracts like’, ‘Your thoughts have the power to create reality’ and strongly believes in the ‘Ask, receive and believe’ concept. Through our series we intend to tell you the ‘Right, Tested and Workable’ techniques and the right way to use them.
‘Feeling’ is the Key and if coupled with habit, actions and perseverance alongwith the use of right techniques it shall lead you to a miraculous and magical life.
The name Bountiful Universe comes from the fact that there is abundance in the Universe, it’s just matter of asking, believing and receiving through the use of right techniques, right actions and accurate knowledge.